Monday 7 January 2013

New things for Volumetric 2013


Volumetric Customs 2013


We are expanding ...

Volumetric customs, has been creating custom graphics since 2008 and are continuing to expand.

In the past we have had the pleasure of working with all different clients from all different fields, we are now concentrating on working to our own theories pushing the theory of the volumetric Eye that was founded by Leonardo DA vinci, a concept that grasps looking at normal everyday objects but seeing them in their original form structure size and making an observation based on the objects internal form and structure rather than its outside appearance.

At Volumetric Customs this is what we based our work around creating truly unique art work that indulges the eyes into various observations not just of solid state material but of moving particles, mass, and the way that we interpret these around our everyday life's. We strive to observe the invisible elements of our world that are bi passed on a daily basis, air, water moving particles.

We have recently been producing a series of work based around the new weather systems that are more evident based on global warming etc, we hope to have this on our new gallery very soon so keep an eye out for that.

Follow us on this blogg to read about our latest work and new things before the come out on the website.

Many thanks for everyone's on going support of Volumetric Customs, we look forward to an event full year full of new things for volumetric customs.

Wes Martindale

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