Sunday 12 May 2013

Volumetric Customs HQ - 2013


"some easy steps in creating your own surfboard shaping bench"

The first step to building any decent surfboard shaping bench, that will be suited for shaping the board at multiple angles and allowing an east transition from rail to flat board positions.

I have prepared a rough list of the tools and materials that you will need to complete the project, I have also taken some photos of the bench being made as a visual reference is always good to work from.

Equipment List

1) Two lengths of thick 2x4 battens

2) Two Thick stand legs - 4x4 wooden battens would be ideal you can go thinner but its worth getting the thickness for extra stability.

3) Approximately 20 mini hinges preferably the metal kind these can be bought at approximately 40p each at most hardware stores.

4) You will need 8 leg battens these will need to be approximately 2x2 for to secure the legs and provide support.

5) Plenty of screws - to secure all the joints

6) Some thick polystyrene blocks for the internal support of the board rails

7) Some thinner sheet polystyrene for the pad blocks to support the board when its flat.

8) Some sand paper

9) A decent saw or jigsaw to cut neat lines

10) A screwdriver.

The first thing you will need to do is start building some forks, build two sets of forks that look like the picture shown below, and secure these with the metal hinges and wood glue sand them back for a neat finish once glued and screwed.

Here is a picture of the forks...

Step 1

Measure the forks up and cut any excess off around the top to make sure the forks are even. Secure with duck tape if needed.

Step 2

Secure the legs to the forks and secure with glue and hinges, make sure you measure the height of the legs to suit your optimal shaping height this varies for everyone but be sure to measure the legs and the allow for the fork arms and then secure together to make the total bench height.

Step 3

After securing the legs to the forks with glue hinges etc, you will need to make 4 pads, these can be made simply from mdf blocks and screwed in the top of the forks with glued screws to ensure no wobble.
These blocks will then need to be covered with the sheet polystyrene, cover the polystyrene sheet with super glue and then lay it over the the pad, using a sharp knife trim around the block leaving a slight overlap to allow for additional padding. When you have done this on all of the blocks the bench will start to take shape rapidly.

You will then need to start adding the block polystyrene to the bench cut it with into approximately 10cm blocks and glue and cut to fit the gap in between the forks this will cushion the rails of the board.

Glue in and secure the blocks and apply this to each one, here is a pic below to show what it looks like at this stage.

 Step 4

The next  step is pretty easy it just really involves  putting it all together and securing the bench, with the hinges and ensuring the height and structure is secure enough not to wobble around when shaping a board on it. You will then need to start making the cross beam and the ground leg support made from the 2x2 the pics should make it a bit clearer.

Here are some more pictures of the bench nearing completion.

When you have added the legs then add the cross beam and you are nearly there!

Step 5

"You have finished just smooth down the edges bolt the bench to the floor, its a really good bench and I have used mine lots of times and have found it to be one of the best shaped benches for shaping on, it allows you to shape the board flat or on its rail so its ideal for ding repair and laminating or spraying what ever you need to do its a solid bench and will give you everything you need in a shaping bench. Hope this has been help full to who ever stumbles across this, any problems I will be welcome to provide a few pointers if ya get stuck with any of it, you can get me on "

Enjoy !

Hard at work!!

Sunday 28 April 2013

Volumetric Customs - The Latest

News from Volumetric Customs HQ

We have been working on the setup of our new shaping studio based in Penryn Cornwall, this month we have rapidly expanded our studio and are happy to announce that its very nearly finished.

We have also been working on our website and online services and have a new fully updated website.
The board room which is featured on our new site, will be showing live feeds into the shaping room as the boards are worked on individually and this will be displayed on our board room to give an insight into the Volumetric Customs H.Q.

Our products 2013


+ New short boards

Our boards range from 5"10--6"5 and areall made and produced in Volumetric Customs HQ Penryn Cornwall


+ Revamped surfboards

Surfboards that have been neglected and are in need of a overhaul (we like to keep the original markings applying a fresh white polyurethane based coat to the board with a new (4oz) mesh wrap if needed, treating any dings and pressure dents and any other minor problems the board may have.The boards are then finished with a hand drawn custom graphic and a new deck pad to match the board.

+ Used Surfboards - 

 A collection of used Surfboards that will be available for sale through our website coming next month.

Keep an eye out for lots more stuff coming soon.

If you have any surfboards that you are looking to sell then give us a call we may be able to help.

Call us on 07890308821

 Check out our new website at www,

At the HQ - Wes Martindale 28 April 2013

Volumetric Customs -
New signage for the front door printed by ABC Vinal printing

Works in progress
- Fixing a clayton 5"11
If your looking to get your board fixed up if its had a few dings that your looking to have repaired we should be able to help.

A nice clean fix on the rail - not finished yet but looking good

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Volumetric Customs New art work

A quick snap of our new art work. For sale on our website art gallery found at


Check it out, we have lots of different types of custom art work availible to buy so if there's something in particular you are looking for then give us a call we could make you something that fits what your looking for. All our artwork is created through our unique Volumetric Customs style that has been developed through years of experience.


Quick Snap of the art work

Volumetric Customs - Clothing 2013

Volumetric Customs is looking forward to moving into the new shaping studio at the end of this month.


This month we have been developing our new range of customs tees, Hood's and other soft goods that are all available through our main website.


We have added a couple of quick snaps so that you can see some of the new tee's, we are inviting other surfers to become part of our existing network, this can be as much as buying a tee-shirt because you want to help support us or could be that you have some real skills that you want to bring to the table and we can add you to our gallery and have the opportunity to become a sponsored rider under Volumetric Customs. Here is a quick snap of the new tee shirt.

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Shaping Techniques - Shortboards -



Epoxy / Lamminating tips


+ A great video to watch and lean about lamminating surfboards, the video displays a clear breakdown of the different techniques involved with lamminating surfboards - 


" I found this video very usefull to learn from so I have posted it on here for more people to see and learn from thanks to the peeps who made the video".

+ It definately makes it easier to learn faster through these kind of videos, and if your not sure about the different breakdowns involved with the resin and glassing used in surfboards then look no further.

+ Look out for lots more tips and tricks, we come across they will be posted here for more people to see and learn from as well as myself.

Info on shaping.. check more on u-tube.

+ A great video on Surfboard shaping for those out there looking for extra info on shaping techniques or just learning from the pro's check out this video.

Get usefull tips and watch how the pro's do it through our blogg feeds or handpicked videos diplaying the best technical and advanced shaping skills.

Volumetric Customs - 2013


Plans for studio set into motion ...

Plans for the new shaping studio - set in motion - we are currently opening a new board shaping studio that we hope to have completed by the end of this month. The studio will be a be the base of volumetric Customs and the start of allot of new things for the company.

A big thanks to everyone that has supported the brand and helped it to become known across the world.


Based on the North Coast of Cornwall  

For everyone out there just to give you an idea of where we are based and how to contact us if you are looking to buy one of our volumetric customs boards, or if your looking for some custom artwork and want a quote then just drop us a line and we will get back to you with the info..

Drop us an email to
or visit us at

Alternately give us a call on 07890308821

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Volumetric Customs - New Gallery

Volumetric  Customs - New Gallery coming Jan 28th

 We are currently developing a new gallery that will feature on our website. The gallery will contain some of our new series of work that we have been working on for some time now, and we are looking forward to creating and working with some new artists who will be able to throw some different angles out there and add  to the diversity of Volumetric Customs.

The Main gallery will be launched in Late January, and will be able for sale soon after, I will be prints from the gallery at good prices allowing peeps to get there hands on some limited edition prints, there will also be originals available to buy, we work on a first come first serve so they will sell quickly so just let me know and I can reserve it for you. Deposits welcome.

+ Prints can be done on wood or Canvas
+ Originals are in pen & ink.

For more information please feel free to give me a call : 07890308821

Monday 7 January 2013

New things for Volumetric 2013


Volumetric Customs 2013


We are expanding ...

Volumetric customs, has been creating custom graphics since 2008 and are continuing to expand.

In the past we have had the pleasure of working with all different clients from all different fields, we are now concentrating on working to our own theories pushing the theory of the volumetric Eye that was founded by Leonardo DA vinci, a concept that grasps looking at normal everyday objects but seeing them in their original form structure size and making an observation based on the objects internal form and structure rather than its outside appearance.

At Volumetric Customs this is what we based our work around creating truly unique art work that indulges the eyes into various observations not just of solid state material but of moving particles, mass, and the way that we interpret these around our everyday life's. We strive to observe the invisible elements of our world that are bi passed on a daily basis, air, water moving particles.

We have recently been producing a series of work based around the new weather systems that are more evident based on global warming etc, we hope to have this on our new gallery very soon so keep an eye out for that.

Follow us on this blogg to read about our latest work and new things before the come out on the website.

Many thanks for everyone's on going support of Volumetric Customs, we look forward to an event full year full of new things for volumetric customs.

Wes Martindale